It began with an accident. Perhaps you fell... were in a car wreck... had a stroke. You went to the doctor... wore the cast... used the crutches... rolled around in a wheelchair. But now you are ready to get back on your feet, back to work, taking care of yourself again. However, you just don't have the strength you used to. It hurts so much, you can barely move. You've lost a significant amount of motor control. Now is time for physical therapy. Give us a call at Carter Rehabilitation and take your life back!
Physical therapy is the key to recovering from a serious injury. Without it, you'll have great difficulty regaining
your strength and mobility. That's where we come in. We'll show you how to get that strength back. We'll work with
you to recover that lost mobility. Utilizing your hard work and research proven rehabilitation techniques, Joe
and Valerie will assist you in reaching your goals and return you to your best possible you. Together, we'll help
you feel like yourself again!
Why Carter Rehabilitation? Why not just go wherever your doctor sends you? These are good questions. There are a lot of qualified physical therapists in the Flagstaff area. At Carter Rehabilitation, we distinguish ourselves in key areas. Physical therapy is more than just instructions on what exercises to do - it is a partnership between the patient and the therapist. For real success, you've got to trust your therapist and the therapies used. We'll work hard to earn that trust from the moment you walk through the door.
Our state of the art strengthening, cardio and rehabilitation equipment, combined with over 25 years of
clinical practice, enables us to design the most effective approach for each patient. We can provide a positive,
enjoyable experience with excellent outcomes for patients with orthopedic and neurological deficits.
Carter Rehabilitation, located in Flagstaff, is also the only practice in Northern Arizona specializing in evidence based neuroplastic rehabilitation for patients with hemiparesis and other neurological conditions. With this intensive rehabilitation, we place an emphasis on getting people with strokes, brain injuries, Parkinsons, and other neurological conditions to a level of function they did not think was attainable. Valerie, along with Kay Wing PT, DPT, NCS, GCS, has developed a program which requires a large commitment from both the patient and the therapist and has demonstrated outstanding results in a short period of time. We'll have more information on this exciting new technique available under Therapies and Articles soon.
We hope you'll contact us today to set up an evaluation and take that first step on the road to recovery.